Spray Tan vs Self Tan: Which One is Better?

In the quest for achieving a beautiful, sun-kissed glow without harmful UV rays, two options stand out: spray tans and self-tans. Both options offer a safe and convenient way to achieve a tan, but there are significant differences between the two. In this article, we will explore the differences between spray tans and self-tans, their benefits and drawbacks, and which option is better for different skin types and occasions.

What is a Spray Tan?

A spray tan is a form of sunless tanning where a fine mist of tanning solution is applied to the skin using a spray gun. The solution contains dihydroxyacetone (DHA), a colourless sugar that reacts with the amino acids in the top layer of the skin to produce a temporary tan. Spray tans can be done in a salon or at home using a spray tanning machine.

Types of Spray Tan Solutions

There are several types of spray tan solutions available, including organic, rapid, and cosmetic bronzers. Organic spray tans use all-natural ingredients and are a popular option for those with sensitive skin. Rapid spray tans use a higher concentration of DHA, allowing for a darker tan to develop in a shorter amount of time. Cosmetic bronzers contain a temporary colour that provides an immediate tan while the DHA develops.

Advantages of Spray Tan

Spray tans offer several advantages over other forms of tanning. They are quick and convenient, taking only a few minutes to apply, and there is no need to wait for the tan to develop. Spray tans provide an even, streak-free tan that can last up to 10 days. They also allow for customization of the tan, with different concentrations of DHA available for different skin types and desired levels of colour.

Disadvantages of Spray Tan

One of the main disadvantages of spray tans is that they can be expensive, especially if done in a salon. They can also be messy and require proper preparation to avoid streaks and uneven colour. Spray tans also require regular maintenance to avoid patchiness as the tan fades.

What is a Self Tan?

Self tanning is a form of sunless tanning where a tanning product is applied to the skin to produce a temporary tan. Self tan products come in various forms, including lotions, sprays, and mousses, and can be purchased at drugstores, department stores, or online.

Types of Self Tan Products

There are several types of self-tan products available, including gradual tans, instant tans, and express tans. Gradual tans are applied daily and build up a gradual tan over time. Instant tans provide an immediate colour that develops over several hours, while express tans allow for a darker tan to develop in a shorter amount of time.

Advantages of Self Tan

Self tans offer several advantages over other forms of tanning. They are affordable and can be done in the comfort of your own home. Self tans provide an even, natural-looking tan that can last up to a week. They also allow for customization of the tan, with different formulations available for different skin types and desired levels of colour.

Disadvantages of Self Tan

One of the main disadvantages of self-tans is that they can be messy and require proper application to avoid streaks and uneven colour. Self tans can also be challenging to apply to hard-to-reach areas, such as the back. They also require regular maintenance to avoid patchiness as the tan fades.

Spray Tan vs Self Tan: Which One is Better?

When it comes to spray tans vs self tans, there is no clear winner. The choice between the two depends on personal preference, skin type, and occasion. Spray tans are a great option for those who want an even, streak-free tan quickly, while self tans are ideal for those on a budget who want to achieve a natural-looking tan at home.

Which Option is Best for Different Skin Types?

Both spray tans and self tans can work for all skin types, but some formulations may be more suitable for certain skin types. Those with dry skin may prefer self-tans with moisturizing ingredients, while those with sensitive skin may opt for organic spray tans. Those with oily or acne-prone skin may prefer to avoid spray tans as they can clog pores.

When to Choose Spray Tan

Spray tans are a great option for special occasions, such as weddings or proms, where you want an even, long-lasting tan quickly. They are also a good option for those who want a tan but don't have time for self-tanning or don't want to deal with the mess of self-tanning products.

When to Choose Self Tan

Self tans are an excellent option for those on a budget who want to achieve a natural-looking tan at home. They are also ideal for those who want to gradually build up a tan over time or who prefer to have more control over the intensity of the tan.

How to Prepare for a Spray Tan or Self Tan

Proper preparation is essential for achieving a beautiful, even tan with spray tans or self-tans. Before applying either product, it is essential to exfoliate the skin to remove any dead skin cells and create a smooth surface for the tan to adhere to. It is also essential to moisturise the skin, paying extra attention to dry areas such as the elbows and knees.

Tips for Maintaining a Spray Tan or Self Tan

To prolong the life of your tan, it is essential to moisturise daily and avoid activities that can cause the tan to fade, such as swimming or excessive sweating. It is also essential to avoid exfoliating the skin until the tan has faded completely.

In conclusion, both spray tans and self tans are excellent options for achieving a beautiful, sun-kissed glow without the harmful effects of UV rays. The choice between the two depends on personal preference, skin type, and occasion. With proper preparation and maintenance, both spray tans and self tans can provide a beautiful, natural-looking tan that lasts

Top Self Tanning Brands

Sally Hansen

Sally Hansen are known for their amazing line of airbrush legs sprays. A strong consideration to getting that perfect glow on your legs.

sally hansen


Trusted by households across the UK. Bellamianta formulas make self tanning effortless and stunning.



Palmers bronze lotions can help you get that ever glow skin. Featuring cocoa butter and coconut oil, these make for highly skin moisturising self tanners.

palmers bronze

Way To Beauty

As stated on their brand, their self tanning formulas are must haves for those looking for streak free and natural looking glow.

way to beauty

Self Tan FAQs

Can spray tans or self tans cause skin damage?

No, spray tans and self tans do not cause skin damage as they do not involve UV rays. However, it is essential to choose a reputable product and follow proper application techniques to avoid any adverse reactions.

How long do spray tans and self tans last?

Spray tans and self tans typically last 5-10 days, depending on the formulation and individual skin type.

Can I still get a tan while using spray tans or self tans?

No, spray tans and self tans do not provide any protection against UV rays and should always be used in conjunction with sunscreen to prevent sun damage.

Can spray tans or self tans be removed?

Yes, spray tans and self tans can be removed with exfoliation, although it may take several days for the tan to fade completely.

Are spray tans or self tans suitable for all skin types?

Yes, spray tans and self tans can work for all skin types, but some formulations may be more suitable for certain skin types. It is essential to choose a product that is appropriate for your skin type to avoid any adverse reactions.